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91st Annual Meeting in San Juan

Please check the Annual Meeting website for details.

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8:30 am – 4:00 pm: Pre-Conference YPs Workshop

Sponsored by Central Life Sciences

Theme: Responding to Vector-Borne Disease Emergencies

Organizers: Benjamin Nyman, Nicole Foley, Mitchell Kirsch, Zackary Sieb, Constance Darrisaw, Andrew Rivera, Chloe Wang & Kyndall Dye-Braumuller

08:30 am – 09:00 am: Check-in: Join us for coffee, tea, and pastries

09:00 am – 12:00 pm:   Morning Sessions

09:00 am – 09:10 am: Welcome/Opening remarks

09:10 am – 09:30 am: Icebreaker

09:30 am – 10:30 am: Panelist introductions and subtopic talks

Panel: Dr. Whitney Qualls, Dr. Lawrence Hribar, Dr. Alexandra Chaskopoulou, Andrea Leal, Dr. Corey Day

10:30 am – 11:00 am: Panel Q & A

11:00 am – 12:00 pm: Mock interview activity

12:00 pm – 1:00 pm: Lunch (provided)

Presentations: Dr. Solomon Birhanie (ASTMH); Dr. Kyndall Braumuller (SOVE) & Dr. Corey Day (ESA)

01:00 pm – 04:00 pm: Afternoon tour of PRVCU (transportation included)

01:00 pm – 01:30 pm: Travel to PRVCU

01:30 pm – 03:30 pm: Tour facilities in groups

03:30 pm – 04:00 pm: Return to convention center

**Registration required**

Panelist Bios


YPs Dinner

Sponsored by Clarke

**Registration and ticket required**

Waitlist is now open.

Pick up tickets the YPs Pre-conference workshop or at the YPs booth (#428)

All unclaimed tickets will go to those on the waiting list



7:15 am – 8:15 am: Welcome Networking Breakfast (Location: Ballroom A)

Hosted by Community & Member Engagement Subcommittee

1:45 pm – 5:30 pm: Young Professionals Symposium: Roles in Response: How vector-control professionals manage public health emergencies

Panelist Bios

  • Symposium I will feature a career panel that aims to highlight different careers and how they may contribute to emerging vectors and vector-borne diseases. The panel will consist of four speakers with 15 minutes each to share their unique career journeys, insights, challenges, and advice for YPs. After the presentations, there will be a Q&A session.
  • Symposium II will allow attendees to rotate between career roundtables to discuss career information and advice with experts representing a variety of career paths. Small groups of YPs will discuss with two experts per table, then move to the next career, allowing each person to explore five out of seven different featured careers: Abatement/Public Health Agencies, Academia, Consulting/Entrepreneurship, Federal/State Service, Industry, Military, Mosquito Control, and PR/Education. Come with questions ready!
  • Be sure to stay until we take our group photo at the end!

1:45 pm – 3:15 pm: Young Professionals Symposium I: Career Panel (Location: 201)

Organizers:Drew Lysaker, Vilma Cooper, Kassidy Caride, Kyndall Dye-Braumuller, Andrew Partin, Casey Parker-Crockett, Andrew Rivera & Chloe Wang

1:45  Welcome and Introductions

1:55 Career Panel:

  • 1:55 - 2:05 pm Academia – Eva Buckner
  • 2:05 - 2:15 pm Academia - Erika Machtinger
  • 2:15 - 2:25 pm Industry - Samer Elkashef
  • 2:25 - 2:35 pm Consulting– Mark Latham

2:35   Q&As

3:15 pm – 4:00 pm: Break

4:00 pm – 5:30 pm: Young Professionals Symposium II: Career Roundtables (Location: 201)

Organizers: Drew Lysaker, Vilma Cooper, Kassidy Caride, Kyndall Dye-Braumuller, Andrew Partin, Casey Parker-Crockett, Andrew Rivera, Chloe Wang

4:00 Overview of the Career Roundtables and Introduction of Experts

Young Professionals will discuss career information and advice with experts representing a variety of career paths.

Representatives from Academia

Eva Buckner - University of Florida

Vanessa Rivera-Amill - Ponce School Of Medicine

Erika Mactinger - Penn State


Representatives from the Military

Kendra Dagg - US Army / University of Florida

Sierra Schluep - United States Navy


Representatives from Abatement and Public Health Agencies

Priscilla Matton - Bristol County Mosquito Control Project

Abelardo Moncayo - Tennessee Department of Health


Representatives from Federal and State Service

Bethany McGregor - USDA-ARS


Representatives from Industry

Samer Elkashef - Central Life Sciences

Jessica Strange-George -  MGK



Representatives from Education and Public Relations

Amelia Geiner Safi - Cornell University

Raiza Alvarado - Puerto Rico Vector Control Unit


Representatives from Consulting

Manuel Lluberas - Mosquito Den LLC

Mark Latham - Manatee County Mosquito Control District retired



4:10 Rotation #1

4:25 Rotation #2

4:40 Rotation #3

4:55 Rotation #4

5:10 Rotation #5

5:25 Group Photo

5:30 pm – 6:30 pm: Young Professionals Social (Location: 207)

All YPs and Speakers are welcome.

Sponsored by Valent


6:00 pm – 7:00 pm: Pre Banquet Social (Location: Terrace)

7:00 pm – 9:30 pm: Banquet (Location: Ballroom A)


Congratulations to the 2025 AMCA YPs Shadowing Program participants! A big thanks to our industry sponsors for their incredible support in helping AMCA YPs attend the Annual Meeting.

  • Joe Bonaccorsi, Collier Mosquito Control District. Sponsor: AMGUARD
  • Jafina Tubbs, Boise State University. Sponsor: Azelis Agricultural and Environmental Solutions
  • Mitchell Mullin, Western Carolina University. Sponsor: Central Life Sciences
  • Amy Jamison, Salt Lake City Mosquito Abatement District. Sponsor: Clarke
  • Abram Estrada, University of Florida/Oregon Health and Science University. Sponsor: Clarke
  • Nina Shearrill, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Sponsor: SC Johnson
  • David Jimenez-Vallejo, Emory University. Sponsor: Valent Biosciences
  • Yunfei Liao, University of North Carolina at Charlotte. Sponsor: Vector Disease Control International (VDCI)

Special congratulations to the 2025 AMCA YPs Industry Travel Stipend Award recipient!

  • Connor Kuppe, Anastasia Mosquito Control District & University of Florida Department of Entomology and Nematology