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Washington Conference

Join AMCA in Washington D.C. this May

It is vital for members of the association, like you, to impact the narrative taking place on and around Capitol Hill.  AMCA leadership typically meets with federal agency staff to provide updates while in D.C. for Washington Days. 

2025 Washington header

Please note: Real ID is required to enter the U.S. Capitol starting in May 2025.

We need you to join us in Washington!

Gearing Up for Washington - Informational Call

If you'd like to participate in the 2025 Washington Conference but are apprehensive about meeting with congressional offices, the AMCA hosted a conference call to answer questions and prepare you for a meaningful visit to D.C.


Hear from:

  • Dan Markowski, AMCA Technical Advisor
  • A recorded message from Kylie Gregory from RISE on the training
  • Miranda Schield from Clarke, giving a testimonial on how the training has helped their employees
  • And Dr. John Goldberg, AMCA’s representation on Capitol Hill on why advocacy is important

The content of this call is new, focusing on the training we are offering in DC this year.

You can view the recording of the call here:

Learn more about AMCA’s 2025 Legislative Priorities


Advocacy vs Lobbying

Concerned about Advocacy vs. Lobbying? Here’s What You Need to Know

Many AMCA members working in local government hesitate to engage in policy discussions, fearing it may be considered lobbying. The good news? Most of what we do at the Washington Conference falls under advocacy, not lobbying.

What’s the Difference?

✅ Advocacy = Educating policymakers, sharing expertise, and supporting public health initiatives.
❌ Lobbying = Asking legislators to vote for or against specific legislation.

Why You Can Participate with Confidence

  • Public employees can advocate! Educating lawmakers on mosquito control is not lobbying.
  • AMCA follows the rules. We use a registered lobbying firm for direct legislative influence.
  • Your voice matters. Sharing real-world insights helps shape policies that impact mosquito control.
  • Supporting AMCA = More impact. Your membership funds advocacy efforts while keeping you compliant.

Need more clarification? You can find more detailed information on the difference between Advocacy & Lobbying here including information on how to AMCA’s partners can provide documentation confirming that participation in the Washington Conference is advocacy—not lobbying.

Preliminary Program

Monday, May 12th

3:00 pm – 5:00 pm
AMCA Board Meeting

4:00 pm – 5:30 pm

5:30 pm – 7:00 pm
Welcome Reception
Location: Outdoor Courtyard (Weather permitting)

Tuesday, May 13th

All educational sessions take place in the Grand Ballroom
7:30 am – 8:30 am

8:30 am – 8:40 am
AMCA President’s Welcome – Herff Jones (AMCA President)

8:40 am – 8:50 am
Introductions and Recognition – Kristen Healy (Washington Conference Program Chair)

8:50 am – 9:00 am
Meeting Objectives and Materials– Angela Beehler

9:30 am - 10:00 pm
CDC Division of Vector-Borne Disease

10:00 am – 10:30 am
Vector Borne Disease Network

10:30 am – 10:45 am

10:45 am – 11:15 am
Endangered Species Act – US Fish and Wildlife Service

11:15 am – 11:35 am
Environmental Protection Agency Office of Pesticide Programs

11:35 am - noon
Environmental Protection Agency Office of Water

12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Break for lunch (on your own)

1:00 pm – 1:30 pm
AMCA issues overview – ESA reform, NPDES, pesticide registration, CWA reform, drone legislation, funding requests 

1:30 pm – 3:30 pm

New offering! AMCA is partnering with RISE (Responsible Industry for a Sound Environment) to deliver Message Training for Washington Conference attendees.

More than a traditional issue update, the Message Training will teach you how to share clear, persuasive, and tested messages about the important work you do.

Message Training provides the tips and tools to help you identify and communicate key talking points, maintain control over your message priorities, and improve your communication outcomes for any audience, no matter what the issue.

AMCA will provide expert issue papers for priority topics we face; the RISE Message Training will teach you how to talk about them with confidence in your own voice and effectively deliver your most important takeaways.

Whether preparing to meet with your legislator at the Washington Conference or getting ready for a public meeting back at home, the RISE Message Training will equip you to confidently and effectively deliver the messages most important to you.

3:30 pm – 3:45 pm

3:45 pm – 5:00 pm
Grassroots Training – Take your training to the next level.  In this course, you will be equipped with proven key messages based on the latest research and guide you on how to effectively prepare for and set expectations with legislative and regulatory audiences.

5:30 pm – 7:00 pm
Reception -
Get together with your team to practice delivering your message
Location: Outdoor Courtyard (Weather permitting)


Wednesday, May 14th

7:00 am – 8:00 am

8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Capitol Hill Office Visits  - Pre-scheduled meetings with your Senators, Representatives, and     Legislative Aides


Thursday, May 15th

Safe travels

  • For most attendees this will be a travel day. Before you go, check out all the history the area has to offer.
  • Send thank you emails to Congressional offices with a review of the topics discussed.
  • Add notes from your meetings to the Voter Voice App

Let AMCA know if your Members of Congress need a follow-up visit

Hotel Reservations - Room Block is Open


Hilton Alexandria Old Town
1767 King Street
Alexandria, Virginia 22314

A special block of rooms has been secured for the AMCA Washington Conference attendees at The Hilton Alexandria Old Town Hotel, AMCA's official headquarter hotel for the conference.

AMCA is pleased to offer the following AMCA room block discounted hotel rates for our attendees:
Single/Double occupancy: $260.00 per room, per night

Room rates are in USD($) and DOES NOT include the state and hotel tax of 15.5% (subject to change).  

2025 Travel Stipends

We are glad that you are interested in attending AMCA's Washington Conference from May 12-14, 2025.

Please take a few moments to complete the below application to request an AMCA Washington Conference Stipend. This application will help us allocate our available travel stipends.
Application deadline is March 31st, 2025.

Thank You to Sustaining Members for Supporting AMCA's Advocacy Efforts!

2024 Event Information


Learn how to become an advocate

Learn to become a mosquito control activist with the ability to educate key legislators and policymakers on the importance of mosquito control, the work you do, and how federal actions impact your job and the communities we all serve. 

Public health agencies face various challenges due to a lack of resources, misinformation, and lack of basic infrastructure, which became apparent during the COVID-19 pandemic.  This requires immediate attention to avoid further public health deficiencies. 

Those who work in and around D.C. can help you through targeted actions that strengthen existing vector control, advance the science that allows vector control to adapt to new challenges, and equip local agencies with the tools they need to be effective. Then it’s up to us to make vector-borne disease prevention and control programs sustainable.  This conference will provide a deep dive into how you can help pave the way for the vector control programs of tomorrow. 

Click Here for the Program Schedule

Attendee List

Watch the AMCA Town Hall Meeting

If you'd like to participate at the 2024 Washington Conference but are apprehensive about meeting with congressional offices, watch the following video that will answer all of your questions and prepare you for a meaningful visit to D.C.