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Bylaws & Procedures

The American Mosquito Control Association is governed by its Bylaws. Additionally, the AMCA Procedures Manual directs the operations of the association. Below you will find access to both documents for your review.

Procedures Manual & Code of Conduct

For information on the operations of AMCA our members may access the AMCA Procedures Manual here.

Please find the AMCA Code of Professional Conduct here.

AMCA Bylaws

Amended April 13, 2023 by member vote.

Previously amended February 5, 2021; March 11, 2019; February 1, 2016; January 6, 2014 & January 5, 2009. To see previous Bylaws and Amendments, see Mosquito News 21:153-154; 22:200-203, 31:450-454; 33:293, 469-473; 34:475; 35:237-242; 39:426-427; Journal 2:392-399; 3:524; 6:565,9:105-117.




Section 1. The name of this Association shall be the American Mosquito Control Association, hereinafter referred to as the AMCA.

Section 2. The Headquarters of the AMCA shall be in any location designated by the Board of Directors, hereinafter referred to as the Board.

Section 3. The AMCA shall be incorporated in the state in which the Headquarters is located, or in a state designated by the Board.



Section 1. The overall objective of the AMCA is to promote control of and research on mosquitoes and related subjects in the broadest sense and to disseminate information on the bionomics of mosquitoes and related subjects worldwide. The specific, primary and general purposes and powers are presented in the Articles of Incorporation, adopted in 1974.



Section 1. Classes of Membership.

A. Regular Member. Anyone concerned with or interested in mosquito control and related work, and desiring to participate in the promotion and improvement of such work, may become a member by filing an application and by paying any dues owed. Regular members shall pay annual dues set by the Board, receive the Journal of the AMCA, the AMCA Newsletter, and Wing Beats, and be entitled to hold office, serve on committees, propose motions, vote in AMCA elections and participate at officially called business meetings.

1. Retired Regular Member Subcategory. Anyone who is concerned with or interested in mosquito control and related work, and desiring to participate in the promotion and improvement of such work and retired from full-time employment can apply to become a Retired Regular Member.

2. Retired Regular Members shall pay annual dues set forth by the Board and receive the same benefits as a Regular Member.

B. International Member. Anyone outside of the United States or its Territories concerned with or interested in mosquito control and related work, and desiring to participate in the promotion and improvement of such work, may become an international member by filing an application and by paying any dues owed. International members shall pay annual dues set by the Board, receive the Journal of the AMCA, the AMCA Newsletter, and Wing Beats, and be entitled to hold office, serve on committees, propose motions, vote in AMCA elections and participate at officially called business meetings.

1. Retired International Member Subcategory. Anyone who is concerned with or interested in mosquito control and related work, and desiring to participate in the promotion and improvement of such work and retired from full-time employment can apply to become a Retired International Member.

2. Retired International Members shall pay annual dues set forth by the Board and receive the same benefits as an International Member.

C. Student Member. Any undergraduate or graduate student enrolled in an accredited college or university, and taking at least one-half full schedule as defined by the college or university, is eligible for student membership. A student must be certified as meeting these requirements by their department head or major advisor. This must be done at the time of application and at each renewal date. Student members shall pay annual dues set by the Board, receive the Journal of the AMCA, the AMCA Newsletter, and Wing Beats, and be entitled to serve on committees, propose motions, vote in AMCA elections and participate at officially called business meetings.

D. Sustaining Member. Any agency, organization, company, or individual interested in furthering the efforts of the AMCA may, upon approval by the Board, become a sustaining member by payment of annual dues as set by the Board. Sustaining members shall be listed annually in the Journal of the AMCA and in the program of the annual meeting, and will have the right to display the AMCA Sustaining Member logo. Each Sustaining Member will receive one Regular membership. There shall be two categories of AMCA Sustaining Member:

1. Governmental Sustaining Member. Any governmental agency interested in furthering the efforts of the AMCA may become a sustaining member.

2. Corporate Sustaining Member. Any non-government, commercial organization or individual interested in furthering the efforts of the AMCA may become a sustaining member.

E. Life Member. Any member may become a life member upon a lump sum payment of 20 times the current annual dues, and thereafter shall be exempt from further payment of dues. Life members shall receive the Journal of the AMCA, the AMCA Newsletter, and Wing Beats, and be entitled to hold office, serve on committees, propose motions, vote in AMCA elections and participate at officially called business meetings.

There shall be a limit of 60 AMCA life members. After the limit is reached, members may elect to be placed on a waiting list on a first-come, first-served basis.

F. Honorary Member. Any person who has rendered exceptionally distinguished service in the various fields of mosquito control and related work may be accorded special recognition by election to honorary membership by receiving a three-fourths majority of a ballot. Nomination for this honor must first be in writing addressed to the Board and mailed to the Headquarters, bear the signatures of ten members in good standing and be endorsed by three-fourths of the Board. Honorary members shall receive the Journal of the AMCA, the AMCA Newsletter, Wing Beats, and be entitled to hold office, serve on committees, propose motions, vote in AMCA elections and participate at officially called business meetings.

1. Honorary members shall receive the Journal of the AMCA, the AMCA Newsletter, and  Wing Beats, and be entitled  to hold office, serve on committees, propose motions, vote in AMCA elections and participate at officially called  business meetings.

2. Honorary Members shall be exempt from annual dues and from paying registration fees at the annual meeting  (excluding banquet costs). There shall be a limit of 15 honorary members

G. Emeritus Member. Members retiring from active service who shall have been regular members in good standing for at least thirty consecutive years prior to retiring may, upon application in writing to the Headquarters, become emeritus members and shall be exempt from payment of dues, receive the Journal of the AMCA, the AMCA Newsletter, and Wing Beats, and be entitled to hold office, serve on committees, propose motions, vote in AMCA elections and participate at officially called business meetings.

There shall be a limit of 90 emeritus members. After the limit is reached, members may elect to be placed on a waiting list on a first-come, first-served basis.

Section 2. The Fiscal Year, Membership Year, and Dues.

A. The fiscal and membership year shall be from July 1 through June 30.

B. Membership dues are payable on or before July 1. On August 1, any unpaid dues shall be declared in arrears and the delinquent member shall not be in good standing. Upon payment of unpaid dues, the member shall return to good standing for all purposes and shall be considered to have remained in good standing for emeritus membership consideration as in Article III, Section 1(G).

C. New membership dues received before April 1 shall be counted as members for the current membership year, and the new member shall receive all current year back issues of the Journal of the AMCA and the AMCA Newsletter. New membership dues received on or after April 1 shall be credited to the membership year beginning on the following July 1.



Section 1. Regions.

A. There shall be recognized regions within the territory of the AMCA. The states, countries, and/or territories comprising each region shall be listed in this section of the bylaws. Presently recognized and approved regions are: (1) NORTH ATLANTIC: Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont; (2) MID-ATLANTIC: Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, North Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia; (3) SOUTH ATLANTIC: Alabama, Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, Puerto Rico, US Virgin Islands; (4) NORTH CENTRAL: Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Ohio, Tennessee, Wisconsin; (5) SOUTH CENTRAL: Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Oklahoma, Texas; (6) WEST CENTRAL: Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, Wyoming; (7) NORTH PACIFIC: Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington; (8) SOUTH PACIFIC: Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, American Samoa, Guam; (9) INTERNATIONAL REGION: All countries other than the United States and Territories of the United States (e.g. Guam, Puerto Rico etc.)

Section 2. Establishment of New Regions.

A. A new region may be established in accordance with the bylaws amendment procedures except that the written proposal must be submitted to the Headquarters over the signatures of fifty or more AMCA members who reside within the area to be covered. The proposal must set forth the regional territorial limits, state the purpose for formation, offer evidence that an organized unit already exists and that its establishment will be useful to and meet the objectives of the AMCA. The proposal shall be accompanied by written concurrence of the Regional Director(s) of any existing region(s) upon whose boundaries the proposed new region would encroach. Confirmation of a newly established region shall require a two-thirds vote of members voting in a ballot. Regional voting privileges are conferred at the same time that a new area is formally approved according to the bylaws and a Regional Director elected.

B. Regions may be disbanded by the Board, subject to ratification as specified in Article XIII, Section 2, if membership falls below 50 members and active participation in Board activities is lacking.

Section 3. Directors.

A. Each region shall elect a Regional Director to serve on the AMCA Board for a three-year term, with tenure limited to two consecutive terms, as provided in Article V, Section 1, C.

B. The AMCA membership shall elect an Industry Director to serve on the AMCA Board of Directors for a three year term, with tenure limited to two consecutive 3-year terms, as provided in Article V, Section 1, C.

C. The Technical Advisor shall consult with all regional, state, and/or local mosquito control associations in the particular regions to identify Regional Director candidates. The Industry Director will convene an Industry Nominating Committee to work with the Technical Advisor to identify suitable candidates for Industry Director.

D. Regional Director Candidates. If the incumbent Regional Director is eligible for and desires to run for a second term and the Regional Nominating Committee, after a thorough search for nominees, is unable to locate other qualified candidates for the position, and the search has included a published invitation for nominations, then the incumbent may run unopposed; however, the ballot shall provide space for a write-in candidate. Each region may recommend one or more candidates based on the candidate's active participation in the AMCA, active involvement in mosquito control research and/or operational work, active participation in local, state or regional associations and willingness to work as a Regional Director. Ten or more members from a region may also recommend a candidate for consideration.

The name and credentials of each candidate will be sent to the Regional Nominating Committee. This committee shall consist of the Technical Advisor and two appointees designated by the current Regional Director if not a candidate for a second term, or the Technical Advisor and two appointees designated by the President when the incumbent Regional Director is a candidate. The Regional Director shall designate the committee chairperson. The Regional Nominating Committee shall then screen each candidate and shall select at least two of these candidates as nominees and direct that their names be submitted on a ballot to the AMCA regional membership. A space shall also be provided on the ballot for a write-in candidate.

E. Industry Director Candidate. Any AMCA member who is eligible to vote and whose primary employment is representative of the mosquito control industry, is eligible to serve as an Industry Director. If the incumbent Industry Director is eligible for and desires to run for a second term and the Industry Nominating Committee, after a thorough search for nominees, is unable to locate other qualified candidates for the position, then the incumbent may run unopposed; however, the ballot shall provide space for a write-in candidate. The candidates are to be selected for their active participation in AMCA affairs, and willingness to work as an Industry Director.

F. Election of Directors. Ballots shall be handled by Headquarters which will verify AMCA members in good standing within the particular region and distribute ballots directly to them. Ballots shall then be returned directly to Headquarters for counting at an announced time and place so that interested AMCA members may attend.

The nominee receiving the greatest number of votes shall be elected. Should there be a tie for Regional Director, the Regional Nominating Committee shall vote off the tie. Should there be a tie for Industry Director, the Industry Committee shall vote off the tie.

The Regional Directors and Industry Director shall be advised of their election by the President. Each Regional Director and Industry Director shall be expected, during their tenure of office, to attend the annual business meetings, interim board meetings and to represent the region and industry in all matters pertaining to the AMCA.

The timetable for nomination of Regional Director and Industry Director candidates, distribution of ballots, counting of ballots, notification of election and announcement of results to the membership, shall be in accordance with the schedules established for the nomination and election of officers set forth in Article VII and VIII of these bylaws.

Term of Directors will be so arranged that approximately one-third of the directorships are up for election each year.



Section 1. Officers.

A. The officers of the AMCA shall be President, President-elect, Vice President, and Secretary/Treasurer.

B. An officer shall serve one year as President-elect before serving one year as President. The Vice President shall serve for one year and the Secretary/Treasurer shall serve for three years.

C.  For the purposes of defining the duration of a term in office, one year is the period of time between AMCA business meetings held at the Annual Meeting.

Section 2. Board.

A. Members of the Board shall consist of the Directors, Secretary/Treasurer, Vice President, the immediate Past President, President-elect (who shall serve as Vice Chairperson) and the President (who shall serve as Chairperson).

Section 3. Executive Committee.

A. The Officers, two Directors and the immediate Past President shall constitute the Executive Committee. The two Directors shall be selected by the Directors and shall serve for a period of two years, staggered so that only one term expires in a given year.

B. The Executive Committee shall oversee the affairs of the Association when deemed by the President to be the most expeditious way to accomplish tasks requiring immediate attention, keeping the full Board informed on important issues; make recommendations to the Board; and perform such other Board duties as are specified in the bylaws. The Executive Committee actions shall be subject to the policies established by the Board, responsive to queries and directives from Board members and, on major issues, subject to full Board approval at or before the next regular Board meeting.

C. Special meetings of the Executive Committee may be called by the President or by the written request of three members of the Board. A quorum of the Executive Committee shall be a simple majority thereof.

Section 4. Vacancies.

A. In case of a vacancy in the office of President and/or President-elect, the next officer in line would ascend to the office so vacated. Vacancy of any other position on the Board shall be filled for the unexpired term by Board action.  In this event, the Officer shall be eligible to serve the complete term of office to which they were elected.



Section 1. The President of the AMCA shall be Chairperson of the Board and the Executive Committee, and shall have the usual responsibilities and powers of supervision and management, such as pertain to the office, and such other powers as are specified in the bylaws or properly assigned from time to time by the Board and shall have the following specific powers and duties

A. Preside at all meetings;

B. Ex-officio member of all committees except the Nominating Committee;

C. Present questions of policy for consideration by the Board;

D. Execute, along with the Headquarters, all legal documents;

E. Establish or abolish standing and subcommittees in accordance with Article X, and appoint members of all committees with Board approval;

F. Call special meetings, initiate special action by correspondence or other means, name representatives to act in the name of the AMCA with instructions when warranted and;

G. Perform other duties normally expected of the office.

Section 2. The President-elect shall act in the absence of the President and shall assist the President whenever requested and shall announce standing and subcommittees upon taking office as President and thereafter during the term as warranted.

Section 3. The Vice President shall assist the President and the President-elect with the duties of their offices as directed.

Section 4. The Headquarters shall have duties and responsibilities for managing the Association as defined in the current contract with AMCA and in the AMCA Procedures manual.

Section 5. The Secretary/Treasurer shall have the following duties:

A. Receive regularly from the Headquarters a record of all moneys paid to or disbursed by the AMCA;

B. Serve as custodian of funds, title deeds, business papers, bonds and other securities belonging to the AMCA;

C. Manage, in consultation with the Board, the reserve funds of the AMCA in such a manner as to insure their safe and steady growth;

D. With Board approval, engage a certified public accountant to audit the books annually;

E. Submit to the Board an annual financial statement for the current year together with the auditor's report;

F. Prepare, with the Headquarters Management Staff and Finance and Policy Committees, the proposed budget for the next fiscal year for consideration by the Board;

G. Perform other duties relating to the office of Secretary/Treasurer as may be prescribed by the Board; and

H. Be legally bonded by a reputable company in the state where AMCA is incorporated.

Section 6. The Board shall administer the affairs of the AMCA and carry out its program and policies and shall act, through the Executive Committee when expedient (Article V, Section 3, B), between regularly scheduled Board meetings. It shall have the following specific powers, responsibilities, and duties:

A. Adopt rules to govern its own proceedings;

B. Supervise the financial administrations;

C. Establish and adopt an annual budget;

D. Confirm and approve establishment or abolition of standing or special committees and appointments of individuals as members or chairpersons of committees;

E. Prescribe policies governing the activities and functions of the AMCA and the regions;

F. Determine the place and date of annual and special meetings and notify the membership thereof;

G. Report its actions and decisions to the membership at each regular business meeting for ratification or approval and publish these reports annually in the Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association; and

H. A quorum of the Board shall be a simple majority thereof.



Section 1. A Nominating Committee shall be established annually and will be composed of the Directors, with the immediate Past President serving as Chairperson.

Section 2. The Nominating Committee shall submit to the Headquarters by August 15th its nomination(s) for each office to be filled in the ensuing year. The names of no more than three nominees for each office will be placed on the ballot. All nominations, including write-in candidates, shall carry the consent of the nominee and assurance that they will serve if elected.



Section 1.  Headquarters shall prepare a ballot containing the names of the referred nominees for the offices of President-elect, Vice President, and other offices to be filled by election, with a space for a write-in candidate for each office. The name of the current President-elect, who automatically ascends to the office of President, shall not appear upon the ballot for election of officers. The Board of Directors may, at its discretion, submit the digital ballot to the voting members of the Association. Voting members are defined as members in good standing who have renewed their membership for the current year by the time of the election, See Article III, Section 2(B).  Voting members may cast one anonymous vote. The ballot shall be sent by September 1st to all members eligible to vote. No ballots will be sent out after the initial distribution. All voting members will receive notification informing them of the election and voting procedure, no later than two weeks before the ballot is distributed and must clearly state that membership renewal is required to be a member in good standing in order to receive a ballot. The ballot, in order to qualify for counting, shall be returned to Headquarters within 21 days of the launch of the election.

Section 2.  Ballots will be tallied by Headquarters at the close of the election. A report on the ballot shall be submitted to the President within 72 hours (excluding weekends) of the close of the election. Any member wanting to receive the report may do so by written (including email) request. The successful candidates will be notified by the President of their election within seven days after the count and at least two weeks prior to the annual business meeting. In case of a tie vote for any elective office the election will be decided by a majority vote of the members voting in a run-off election. In the case of Director, members voting are limited to the region or industry for the position.

Section 3.  Newly elected Officers and Directors shall assume office at the close of the annual business meeting.



Section 1. Annual Meetings. The AMCA shall hold an annual meeting, the place and date of which shall be determined by the Board and announced through the Journal of the AMCA, or such media the Board may decide, not less than eight months before the date set for said meeting and conference.



Section 1. There shall be two types of committees in AMCA: standing and sub. Sub-committees work within standing committees on designated subject matter/tasks. Sub-committees work within standing committees on designated subject matter/tasks. Except for those committees established in the bylaws, committees shall be established or abolished by the President with Board approval.

Section 2.  Standing Committees. The following standing committees will be recognized: Annual Meeting, Archives, Bylaws & Policy, Finance, Industry, Legislative & Regulatory, Membership, Nominating and Awards, Publications, Public Relations, Science and Technology, Member Education, and Young Professionals.

Section 3. Terms. Standing committee members shall serve for three years and will be appointed so that one-third of the positions within each committee expires each year. Subcommittee appointments will be for one year. Members may be reappointed.

Section 4. Committee Chairs and Members. The immediate Past President will chair the Nominating and Awards Committees. Chairpersons and members of other committees shall be appointed by the President in office at the time of the appointment.  Names of Committee Chairs and members shall be submitted by the President annually to the Board for approval. Only AMCA members in good standing may serve on standing committees. Non-members may serve on subcommittees.

Section 5. A member of the Board will be appointed by the President to serve as liaison for each standing committee.



Section 1. Publications. The AMCA shall publish the Journal of the AMCA as its official publication and maintain a website as its electronic outlet. The Journal of the AMCA shall be published quarterly or more often as the Board of Directors may authorize. The AMCA may occasionally publish, as public interest and needs warrant, special bulletins and other publications.

Section 2. Editorial Boards. An Editorial Board consisting of up to five members shall be appointed by the President for each regular publication, including the website. Each member shall serve a three-year term, with member terms expiring alternating years. The President shall appoint a member of the Editorial Board to serve as Chairperson. The Chairperson of each of these boards shall serve as a member of the Publications Committee. In addition to the Editorial Boards for the regular publications, the President shall appoint a five-member Editorial Board for each other publication that is being drafted. The members shall serve until the publication is completed, but will not serve on the Publications Committee.

Section 3. Publications Committee. This committee shall consist of the Editorial Board chairpersons of the regular publications, including the website, and three members-at-large appointed by the President for three-year terms, with at-large member terms expiring in alternating years. The President shall appoint a member-at-large to serve as chairperson. The Publications Committee shall establish policies concerning all publications of the AMCA and follow closely the development of bulletins and other special publications. The separate Editorial Boards will handle the details regarding their respective publications.

Section 4. Editors. The Board shall appoint the Editor of the Journal of the AMCA and other regular publications after receiving recommendations from the Publications Committee. The President shall appoint the Editors of bulletins and special publications who shall also serve as Chairpersons of the Editorial Boards for their respective publications.



Section 1. Meetings will be conducted by the “good sense” of the chair using standard parliamentary procedure. Absentee votes, including proxy votes, are not allowed. The chair of the Bylaws and Policy Committee shall serve as Parliamentarian at the annual business meeting; if absent, and for Board meetings, the President shall appoint a Parliamentarian.



Section 1. All proposals to amend the bylaws must be supported by 50 member signatures or by Board approval and shall be submitted to the Headquarters or to the chairperson of the Bylaws and Policy Committee. The report and recommendations of the Bylaws and Policy Committee shall be sent to the Board members at least sixty days prior to a membership vote. The Headquarters shall distribute ballots to each AMCA member at least thirty days prior to the ballot deadline.

Section 2. Bylaws changes as specified in Article XIII, Section 1, shall be presented for ratification by ballot to members eligible to vote in AMCA elections.  Ratification requires a two-thirds vote of members voting.

Section 3.  All approved amendments to the Bylaws shall be published in the Journal of the AMCA within 6 months of the ballot.
