Threatened & Endangered Species Protections
The primary goal of AMCA's ESA Mitigation Site is to provide guidance and a single source for AMCA members seeking to take action that will allow them to avoid, minimize, and mitigate effects to listed species and their habitats as per current EPA-approved label requirements. Check back frequently as EPA's mitigation policies may change over time.
The USFWS announced a proposed rule to list the monarch butterfly as threatened under the Endangered Species Act, accompanied by a 4(d) rule and critical habitat designation.
Click here to learn more about the Monarch, the Proposed Listing, and How to Comment.

EPA Resources
EPA's Bulletins Live! Two (BLT)
- Use BLT to find all Species' PULAs and needed Mitigations.
BLT Tutorial and Training website
- Still unsure... Learn how to use BLT here.
Protecting Endangered Species from Pesticides
- EPA's jump point for all things ESA related.
- Information on EPA's ESA Workplan Update and Implementation.
AMCA Member Resources
Letter of Technical Assistance Template
- Use this to request Technical Assistance from USFWS if conducting mosquito control operations within PULA.
US FWS Integrated Mosquito Management Guidance
US FWS Resources
IPaC (Information for Planning and Consultation) Website
- Use this link to find your local USFWS ESFO.
Endangered Species Information
- Links to all Endangered Species.
- EPA's StoryMaps for each of the Vulnerable Species.
NOAA Fisheries Endangered Species
- List of all NOAA Fisheries species of concern.
Additional Information
Pollinator Protection Resources
The North American Pollinator Protection Campaign
- Landing page for NAPPC - a great source of information for protecting pollinators.
Pesticide Education Task Force Materials
- Free materials developed to help reduce non-target impacts on pollinators during vector control applications.
NPIC's Ecological Pesticide Incident Reporting portal
- This portal provides a method for reporting ecological incidents that may be related to pesticide exposures.